
Safeguarding policy statement

SafeguardingHighfields Church is committed to the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of all children and vulnerable adults who come within its care. We aim to create an atmosphere conducive to meeting those needs within a safe environment. We will provide appropriate experiences including opportunity to learn of God through the Scriptures.

We will endeavour to ensure that each child or vulnerable adult is respected as an individual and due consideration will be given to their wishes and feelings.

We recognize the importance of the family and will work in co-operation with parents / guardians and carers in meeting children's and vulnerable adults’ needs.

We will strive to protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse and will take action where abuse is suspected, has occurred or is likely to occur.

We will give support and supervision to all paid and volunteer workers involved in children's, young people's work and those who work with vulnerable adults and will ensure the policy is adhered to, by providing training on a regular basis.

Safeguarding issues refer to all children and young people up to and including those of 18 years old and vulnerable adults will also receive the overall care afforded by the Policy.

This policy does not cover situations where the building is hired out to external groups or organizations for activities with children, young people and vulnerable adults which is deemed to be independent from the ministry of Highfields Church.

This Policy has been compiled in accordance with The Children Act (1989), Safe from Harm (Home Office) (1993), Working Together to Safeguard Children (1998), The Protection of Children Act (1999) and Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006).

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act (2016)

The Policy has been agreed by the Trustees of Highfields Church and is available on request from the Highfields Church Office and below via this website at

The Church is continuously updated on matters of good practice by the umbrella body— Open in new window.

The Highfields Church Safeguarding Policy Document

PDF document icon Safeguarding Policy - Updated Jan 20.pdf — PDF document, 236 KB (241878 bytes)               

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