
Giving is one way of saying thank you to God for all His gifts to us.

The Church & Giving

God has called us to do a job! That job centres around ‘knowing Jesus and making Him known’. We want to show the values and share the message of God's Kingdom as we train and send people to take the gospel to Wales and the World.

We recognise that a well-resourced church (made up of people willing to devote their time, energy and money) is needed if this strategic vision is going to be realised.

We believe that giving a proportion of our personal income to the local church is an important part of Christian commitment and something the Bible teaches.

What are the benefits of giving?

Here are some from 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 :

  • generous giving generates many resources (v6)
  • we experience God's love and favour (v7)
  • God's grace is multiplied to us (v8)
  • it results in thanksgiving to God (v11)
  • people's needs are met (v12)
  • the gospel can be widely shared (v13)
  • it creates gratitude (v14 -15)

But how much should I give?

The Old Testament people of God gave a tenth of their entire income, known as a tithe, to make provision for God’s work.

Today, living in the light of the good news of Christ, many Christians still take 10% of their income as a starting point for their giving. But all Christians are agreed that the New Testament teaches these helpful guidelines for giving:

  • Voluntarily: out of a heart thankful to God
  • Regularly: choose a set time interval for your giving e.g. weekly or monthly
  • Individually: everyone is invited to participate
  • Systematically: let your giving be thoughtfully & prayerfully planned
  • Proportionately: the proportion is far more significant than the amount
  • Locally: our primary commitment is to our own local church and the ministry that happens through it
  • Stewarding: we are not owners but stewards of all God’s gifts to us including our money

What are the safeguards against mismanagement?

The integrity and accountability for our stewardship of money can be clearly seen.  This involves having a team of trustworthy people; the Finance Committee, not just one person, who have the responsibility of administering the church's finances.  We are subject to the law governing registered charities, the accounts are audited annually and are then available to the church and submitted to the Charity Commissioners.

The trustees oversee the reporting of church finances and our book keeping. Expenditure is controlled against an approved budget.  All those employed on the staff of the church are subject to specific financial policies, which are strictly adhered to e.g. staff are not permitted to receive personal gifts.  This is because we want to encourage people to give directly to the church with confidence that if they do so, the staff and all the ministries of the church will be provided for properly.

The Finance Committee are:
Geoff Cresswell, Simon Foulkes, Sarah Norton, Ed Gooderham, Dave Burnell, Andrew Rees.

What is the most helpful way of giving?

Experience has shown that Christians really want to give generously and do what is right, but sometimes don't know exactly how to go about it in a consistent way.

By Standing Order:
Arranging a monthly standing order for your giving is the most helpful way for us as a church, as this enables the leaders to plan for ministry development in the knowledge of a regular income. Please fill in a Standing Order form available from the Information Desk.

If you are a UK taxpayer, there is a great benefit to the church (and at no extra cost to you) if you sign the Tax Declaration portion of the Standing Order form. This enables the church to reclaim tax worth 25% on top of your gift. You need to make sure that you will have paid enough tax in the Tax Year to cover the amount that the church reclaims on your giving.

Highfields Church's bank account details are: Sort Code: 30-91-63  Account number: 07106087

By Giving Envelopes:
If you are a UK taxpayer and want to give either cash or cheque, please use the Gift Aid envelopes available at the Information Desk and in the chapel. Fill in all the details and, if you have not already signed a Tax Declaration (only needs to be done once), please do so on the envelope. This enables us to reclaim tax worth 25% on top of your gift. Envelopes can be placed in the offering bags on Sundays, or posted (cheques only) to the Church Office. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Highfields Church’.

By Cash or Cheque:
These can be placed in the offering bags on Sunday or posted (cheques only) to the Church Office. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Highfields Church’.

Communicating with the Finance Committee:
If you would like to know how money is used in Highfields Church please speak to a member of the Finance Committee.

If you set up or change your standing order online, please contact the Finance Committee on to let them know the details.

Thank you for joining us in the work of the Kingdom.

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Allocating Gifts

Unless otherwise marked, any gifts given to Highfields Church via the offering, standing orders, online or by text will go to the General Fund, which mainly supports local activity of the church but also transfers £24,000 per year to Missionary Funds. 

Missionary activity also relies on gifts designated by individual donors.

Do  if you would prefer your gift to be used in support of mission or towards the support of a specific missionary. Thank you!