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Peter Baker | 22:18, Wednesday 9th May
The music, theme and integration of the service, a Welsh accent and energetic singing have all been commented upon.
But the stand-out feature has been the number of people who wrote to say they realised that they were the elder brother in Jesus' Parable of the Prodigal Sons. It was an eye-opening moment for many.
I guess, given that the 1.8 million audience is predominantly a religious one, that's to be expected. For, as I said, grace can scandalise those who think they are OK.
We can be religiously dutiful, morally obedient, slavishly faithful yet hold onto grievances against God and unforgiveness, pride and prejudice towards others.
It's not for nothing that people, observing the ungenerous heart of so many in the Church, comment: "Pray that the Prodigal Son doesn’t meet the Elder Brother before he meets the Father"!
What is it about so-called "Christians" that produces such a spirit of unchristian arrogance, nit-picking small-mindedness and graceless judgmentalism? I think we just don't get grace and we struggle to live it.
Perhaps the most instructive reply was from a man who wrote;
"This week I awoke to the singing of your congregation which was so different to the normal church depression noise that I continued to listen. I continued to do so for the whole service."
It does beg the question, what on earth has the church been doing for the last generation to create the impression in the minds of some that we are a depressed and depressing people?
Answer: there are, in my opinion, far too many 'elder brothers and sisters' who stand outside the party complaining about the happy noise which enthusiastic prodigals are making inside.
Come to the banquet of God's grace. You will be surprised who's there!
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