The Magnificent Seven

The new academic year is always an exciting time - lots of new faces and new opportunities.

Peter Baker | 22:10, 30 September, 2012

There's never been a new term when the turnover of staff at Highfields has been quite so high. 

Four Ministry Apprentices are joining us this autumn. The role of an MA has two parts to it - a generic element in which MAs help out practically around the place - setting up rooms, doing office admin, covering the reception desk. But this year, each MA has a specific focus.

Jo Canning will be designated to help with our Pre-School and Community Ministry, especially at Dalton Street. Holly Pratley's priority will be the Student programme, while David Bhakiaraj has a special role with Internationals. David is replacing CACO workers Philip and Florence James.  More accurately, he will be an Associate Worker with Highfields - not so much an MA, more a PhD!

Caleb Mackay is our fourth MA and he’s a little bit different too. His role is what UCCF call a Conference Partner. He'll be based with us at Highfields, but will also make a contribution to the wider student work in Cardiff. He'll also benefit from the training events which UCCF provides for its Relay Workers.

Number 5 is James Pope. You've probably met him already, or at least seen him up the front. He and his family are already with us serving in Children and Schools Ministry.

The sixth new staff member is Jon Reeves. He starts in October as a Trainee Minister. His time will be split between theological study in Oxford and ministry with us. Among other things, he will assume responsibility for co-ordinating  and organising our Evangelism and Mission.

Last, but by no means least, is Lindsay Brown. He's not actually new, strictly-speaking, as he and his wife Ann were some of our first mission partners, sent out some 20 years ago to work with IFES and UCCF, to equip and encourage Christian students all over the world.

Lindsay will cover the sabbatical leave of Phil Jenkins, and a few weeks more. He'll be with us until December to preach, teach and generally inspire us in his own inimitable way.

We are so privileged to have people of the calibre of the Browns at Highfields. Lindsay has been a key player in the Lausanne Movement and Ann speaks at various conferences. I hope that they will both be able to take a full and active part in the church. In addition to his preaching commitments as part of the pulpit team, Lindsay will speak at Network, 20s and together they will get around some of our small groups. Wednesday and Thursday will be their typical midweek days, plus of course Sundays. 

A great new line up! Please make them feel welcome and pray for them. 

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