Building the Church: Blog posts from all the Highfields Contributors in 2011...
Gustav Mahler and the Apostle...
One of the things I knew would miss most in our move was, of course, making music.
Two Nuns and a dog
She’s called the Digital Nun and with Sister Lucy and the dog Duncan Disorderly, she lives the life of a Benedictine in Holy Trinity Monastery, East Hendred, Oxfordshire.
Pizza, planes and partnership...
I write this having just waved off most of the party of Highfields visitors who have been with us for the weekend.
Building work begins…
Almost a month on from the last blog post and how time flies!
City Life
“Look at that street! Can you believe we live in this city?” said Alison the other evening as we walked home. And she had a good point.
Wanted: A Superman who doesn’t fail
Last week I heard that Superman had started wearing Sam Warburton pyjamas to bed. Apparently he’s now taken them to Oxfam.
The Unfinished Smile
I read last week that works of art worth £400 million pounds, stolen last year from the Museum of Modern Art in Paris, are now in fact believed to have been dumped and crushed in a rubbish truck.
The wonderful thing about Tiggers!
Within days of his arrival in the Hundred Acre Wood that is Highfields Church, I noticed the remarkable similarities between Simon Price, our new fresh-out-of-bible college Assistant Pastor and AA Milne’s character Tigger!
...I wanted to live deliberately...
Almost overnight the temperature started to drop
How to make a real difference
We live in an age of Celebrity where people can be famous simply for being famous.
On words....
So I've been thinking a bit about words. Actually I've been thinking a lot about words.
One of a Kind
I wonder how many Latin phrases you have used today without even realising.
1 in 7 Billion…
I’ve just discovered that I am actually the 79,779,692,271st person to have existed on planet earth.