Building the Church: Blog posts from all the Highfields Contributors in 2013...
- Rediscovering discovery
- Our 'retreat week' last week didn't quite go according to plan...
- Rediscovering discovery... again
- What do you do with those 'harder' books of the Bible?
- The issue of the heart
- I keep learning these little lessons in seeing what's there...
- Seeking A Simpler Life
- The Season of Lent ends soon. Good news!
- Reporting
- Reflections approaching another Easter break...
- No interruption
- Some distractions are welcome, even on the busiest of days.
- Pause for Thought
- One of the very recent highlights of my life was a trip to the Grand Canyon.
- The God We Don't Expect
- One would have to write off the Gospel narratives as any kind of historical record, to conclude that Jesus’ followers had expected some sort of miracle after the crucifixion.
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