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The account of Joseph is given in the book of Genesis chapters 37-50. This autumn we will be studying this part of the old testament. Sunday services, life groups as well as children and youth groups will all be looking at the story of Joseph and what it has to teach us.
We will discover that how the story develops has more to do with God's involvement than the detailed actions and choices of Joseph and the other characters. There are three main themes which help to make sense of what takes place:
As we follow and study the account of Joseph and what took place we will see that these three themes are linked quite tightly and recur throughout the story.
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We have some exciting things for you during the 9:30am All Age Service.
During the week
Highfields Youth Youtube
Highfields Children & Youth
A time of singing and praying.
A few notices about what is going on in the Church. A children's talk and a song possibly with actions.
There is an opportunity for prayer after the service using Zoom.