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You are very welcome to all of our Christmas Services and Events. They are open to everyone. We would love you and your families to join us.
Tiny Toes (0-2 year olds): Coffee Lounge at 10:15am
Footsteps (2-4 year olds): Triple Room - Downstairs under the Chapel at 10:15am
Trailblazers (Rec - yr6): Downstairs in the Pierce Hall at 10:15am
Edge on Sundays (yr7 - yr10): Downstairs under the Chapel in the Double Room & GF Room at 10:15am
A time of singing and praying.
A few notices about what is going on in the Church. A children's talk and a song possibly with actions when there is a family service.
A talk based on the Bible reading(s) during the regular Sunday service