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'Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name' (John 20:30-31).
Over the last several years at Highfields we've looked on and off at John chapters 1-10. Chapters 1-4 particularly emphasise that Jesus is the Christ. Chapters 5-10, that he is the Son of God.
At Easter, we began to look at the final major block of John, chapters 11-21, that will teach us about the life that comes by believing in his name. These chapters can themselves be broken into three sections: chapter 11-13 (the raising of Lazarus, and preparation for Jesus' death); chapters 14-16 (the famous 'Upper Room discourse', where Jesus gives his last orders to his disciples before completing his mission); and chapters 17-21 (the build up to and passion of the Christ, before his mighty resurrection).
What does it mean that Jesus brings life to those to who believe in his name? Join us as we dive deep into John chapters 11-13. It might just change your life.
Do join us for this mini series in July as we conclude looking at John chapter 12.
Title | Description | Tags |
Hard to Believe | 16 Jul - Morning Service - 10:15am - Ricky Wilhelm - John 12:43-50 | In-Person, Live Stream, Morning Worship |
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Join us as we learn from the Master class of Jesus on Prayer.
The Lord's Prayer has been a faithful guide to daily prayer for believers, a guide to reorient each day to walk with God in our lives.
"The Christian life is a series of important connection points to God.
One of them at Highfields is involvement in a small study group. I hope you can connect with us that way."