Staring at the Son

Studies in John 5-10

Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

Staring at the Son

So wrote the apostle John at the climax to his eyewitness biography of his good friend, Jesus of Nazareth. Having spent the previous three years in each other's pockets, there was far too much material to include in John's gospel. So he made the decision to pull together selected highlights of the words and deeds of the one who'd turned his life upside down.

John's famous purpose statement (above, taken from John 20:30-31) doubles up as a masterful summary of his whole book. John's intent, now as then, was that on reading his gospel, people would become convinced that Jesus is the Messiah (seen especially in chapters 1-4), the Son of God (chapters 5-10) and that by believing we might have life in his name (chapters 11-21).

Studies in the book of John, chapters 1 to 4In the Autumn of 2017 at Highfields Church, we studied John 1-4. In compelling and surprising ways, we were confronted with truth that Jesus is the Messiah, the long-awaited, promised saviour-king of God's people, whose advent could be summarised as 'out with the old, in the with the new'.

Three and a half years later, we're picking up the story. Bracketed by two signs performed on the Sabbath (healings by the pool of Bethsaida and of the man born blind), John chapters 5-10 powerfully present Jesus saying and doing things that only God should be able to do. His divine authority flows from his divine identity. This is no ordinary saviour. And so the text forces us to answer that most pressing of questions: how will we respond after staring at the Son?

Dave Gobbett

Final service in this series:

Title Description Tags
Confronted by the Son 25 July - Morning Service - 10:30am - Michael Teutsch - John 10:22-42 In-Person, Live Stream, Morning Worship

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Staring at the SonCatch up and watch or listen to what you missed. Whole service video is normally be available immediately after the live stream has finished. Sermon audio and podcast audio is normally available within half an hour of the service finishing.

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« February 2025 »
Studies in John 1-4

Encountering Jesus'When God came down' is series of Sunday morning services from 2017 focussing on John's gospel.  This gospel, written later than the other gospels (probably by the older man looking back on the life and ministry of his Saviour) is both amazingly simple in its core message and astonishingly deep in its portrayal of Jesus.

Our prayer is, that as we gaze on John's portrait in the first four chapters, people will come to believe in him and have 'life in his name' (ch 20:31) and also that we he who know him will be increasingly awed at who he is and the depth of his love.

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Small Group Study

Rev Dave Gobbett"The Christian life is a series of important connection points to God.

One of them at Highfields is involvement in a small study group. I hope you can connect with us that way."

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