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You are very welcome to all of our Christmas Services. They are open to everyone. We would love you and your families to join us.
"The Room Where It Happens" is my favourite song from the box-office sensation Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda. The musical recounts the rise and fall of American Founding Father, Alexander Hamilton, and the song describes a private meeting between Hamilton, and two Virginian senators, Thomas Jefferson and James Maddison. A great political compromise is made: Hamilton gets control of the U.S. banking system and in exchange, the nation's capital moves south to Washington DC ...
At Christmas time we love those unexpected (maybe handcrafted) gifts that express how much the giver values us. Raised in church I knew right from wrong but through insecurity (thinking God wouldn't want me) chose wrong relationships over God's gift of relationship with Him. Unexpectedly (on Queen Street) a group sang about God's FORGIVENESS and that HE LOVES Me....
Revisiting church I was reminded that Jesus died on a cross paying for my wrongs and rose again making the way for a loving relationship with God.
Now, when the chestnuts are roasting on an open fire (you know the song!) I give thanks for Jesus, God's perfect gift. A little bundle in Bethlehem, Saviour and my Hero giving forgiveness, peace & joy, changing my life forever. Do you know Jesus?
The years 2020/2021 have been a time of testing for me. I probably had Covid in January 2020 and for months afterwards felt physically, mentally and spiritually ill. The worst was the spiritual. I did not know where I stood so far as my personal faith was concerned.
However, through it all I had the assurance that I was being upheld. Then I heard a sermon on Psalm 47 when David clapped his hands because of the sustaining power of the Lord. The long Covid from which I was suffering gradually improved, though tension continued until recently. But when I woke one morning the tension had gone.
What a clapping there was and a new song in my heart. Praise the Lord for seeing me through a very testing time!
The offerings taken at our Carol Services and on Christmas Day will be shared between two charities: Tearfund Afghan Crisis Appeal and Red Community.
Contributing Online
From December 5th, you can give via bank transfer (to our current account - sort code: 30-91-63, account number: 00388060 and please specify that your gift is for the Christmas offering). There will also be an offering box available at the Christmas services.
A few years ago, The Washington Post conducted an experiment. It involved the world-renowned, Grammy Award-winning violinist, Joshua Bell.
Bell had entranced audiences in concert halls all over the world. People paid hundreds of dollars to watch him play on his $3.5 million Stradivarius violin. He’s a virtuoso in his field and a total genius.