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Our vision is for Men@Highfields to spur one another on towards love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24)
We aim to provide space, connection and community for men, especially for those who may find it harder to engage with Church outside a Sunday service. Through gathering events once a term, interest groups and casual socials, we want every man to feel loved, welcomed and part of the wider church family
Be sure to join our main Church Center group as this is where we stay connected. Anyone can organise a get together, from a trip to the cinema, weekend walks or just a quick catch up in the pub, this is a great way to hang out, have fun and make new friends.
If you have a passion, interest or hobby and want to connect with other likeminded guys, Men@Highfields is here to help. Currently we have two groups running. Each interest group has it's own dedicated WhatsApp channel where you can get in touch.
Board-Men: For Highfields men interested in board games, quizzes and console or laptop gaming. Join us on the Church Center channel.
Dawn Readers - Highfields' Men's Book Club: The Format? Get up early, make a coffee, log onto zoom, read a good Christian book with the guys (with screen on or off!), have a bit of a chat about it, pray, leave and get on with your day. When? Every Wednesday, 6.20-7am. We've shamelessly stolen the idea from the popular Dawnstalkers, which sees hundreds of people get up at 5am for an early morning swim. So 6.20am is positively a lie in!! We realise that for some of you, from 7am onwards you're getting ready for work or school runs etc and hopefully for the rest of you, the early start will be worth it for the sake of serving your brothers. Join us on the Dawn Readers Group Space via the churchcenter.com app .
Each term we aim to put on an event that is fun, engaging and creates a space for guys to get to know one another better. These range from quiz nights to BBQs, team challenges and more. Any termly events that have been announced will be shown on this page below. Please note the events listed include both those organised by Men@Highfields and those we endorse or practically support.
Title | Start Date |
Men@Highfields Breakfast | Feb 15, 2025 08:30 AM |
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