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Please browse the following documents to catch up on what has been happening during the year. (Because the reports contain some personal information you will need to be logged in to see them)
In his recent book Dominion, historian Tom Holland describes the influence of Christianity on Western Culture.
Despite the fact that society seems set on tippexing out as many remnants of our Christian past as it can, the truth is that the gospel has irrevocably permeated huge swathes of our collective consciousness and is not easily 'undone'. Seemingly secular values like human rights or tolerance or equality have actually grown from Christian soil, and are pulled out at their peril. Living for the Lord Jesus in twenty-first century Cardiff seems harder than ever, which means even more reason to nurture our convictions about the truth, goodness and beauty of God's word. And even more reason to do so together.
Cue the local church. Welcome to the 34th Annual Report of Highfields Church. It's hard to put into words everything that God has done amongst us this year, but here's our best attempt. This year we've organised the report around our priorities of worshipping our God, sharing our lives, equipping his people and engaging his world, which as a whole form the basis of our vision of spreading a passion for Jesus.I hope you'll be as encouraged reading it as we've been pulling it together. In a larger church it's often hard to get a feel of the many ways in which God is at work in different areas from the ones we occupy. So do read widely. And prayerfully, with both prayers of thanks for another year of God's evident blessing, and with intercession, as we look to the future, aware that 'unless the Lord builds the house, we labour in vain' (Ps. 127:1).
There is so much to be grateful for, but personal highlights for me have to include the planting of the Pontprennau congregation as The Bridge Church after over six years as a satellite congregation; the setting apart of three new elders – Dave Evans (back for second stint, no less!), Rowland Hughes and Jason Phillips – to join the team; a year of God's provision, which saw over 20% increase in giving to that initially forecast in December 2018; the appointment of a children and family's worker in Jo Deeley (replacing James Pope), and a church manager in Simon Foulkes (replacing Frank Beamish), to join our brilliant staff team, both of whom have already made a superb impact across the church; the opportunity to preach the gospel across the UK with our live Radio 4 Sunday service broadcast in November; and the ongoing growth of Highfields – both in breadth in and depth – which means we start 2020 full to bursting.
Lastly, a particular word of thanks for the hundreds of church members who volunteer each week, serving on teams. Whether your role is seen or unseen, making coffee or teaching children, rising before dawn to practise music, or staying till dark to lock up, thank you. It's lovely seeing the way the gospel permeates our life together at Highfields, and, with the apostle Paul in relationship to the Philippians, 'I give thanks to God for every remembrance of you ... because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now' (Phil 1:3, 5). It's a joy seeking to spread a passion for Jesus together.
Your brother
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