We are delighted to announce our 30 projects. We are excited to think how God might use these projects for his thrilling and glorious mission.
Highfields Church H30 Fund
- South Africa Orphanage & Bible Clubs
Three week UFM project for Emily Burnell, serving children orphaned by HIV/AIDS.
- 'Time for Change: How Jesus Changed Us' Book
Give hundreds of free copies of Gillian Pegler's new book to inmates in Welsh prisons.
- Welcome Backpacks for Refugee Children in Cardiff
50 new school bags, with gifts and helpful information, for asylum-seekers & refugees.
- Community Outreach Sewing Centre, Islamabad – PREM Fellowship
Start-up costs for 'bridgehead' centre run by Christian family who want to share their faith.
- Shantia Village School, Pakistan – PREM Fellowship
Build shelter to start Christian village primary school, plus first year teaching costs.
- Sports Chaplaincy Wales - World Student Sevens, Swansea
Buy tent & resources to help Martin Lewis & team offer pastoral support to rugby players.
- Rugby Player Testimonies Book – World Student Sevens, Swansea
Fund free distribution of evangelistic book about top rugby stars' faith in Christ.
- Menter Ysgolion Cymraeg – Welsh Schools Initiative
Buy 195 'Y Cam Nesa' booklets, by Scripture Union, for Welsh medium primary schools.
- Sports Mission Week at Christian Orphanage near Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Coaching, encouragement & bible teaching for 75 civil war orphans, led by Highfields team.
- Cross-Cultural Gospel Leaflets – Cardiff Asian Christian Outreach
Pay for free distribution of Christian books and tracts in Cardiff & Newport.
- International Church of Torino - Training Weekend in Cardiff
Fund training & partnership programme at Highfields for 11 key ICT ministry leaders
- Tamar Centre, Thailand – Helping Women To Leave Red-Light District
Fund 4 'bar girls' through training & counselling programmes in Pattaya
- New Kitchen for Oasis Cardiff, Serving Refugees & Asylum Seekers
Buy & install industrial kitchen to help provide lunch for 160+ people every day
- Christian Camp Visit to Turkey
Support Turkish believer to worship in her native tongue with Turkish Christians
- Seasonal Events for Children With Special Needs
Publicity & materials for four events, run by Cardiff churches, for children & their families.
- Kiwoko Christian Hospital, Uganda - Short Term Mission Trip
Four week elective for newly qualified nurse Catrin Goodwin with UFM at rural hospital.
- Build A Classroom – La Casa De Mi Padre, La Paz, Bolivia
Create new children's facility at Christian outreach centre in 'at risk' neighbourhood.
- Helping Hands – Supporting Women Refugees in Athens, Greece
Buy & give out hygiene items at Christian agency where Cathie Jenkins serves each week
- Ephesus Young People's Bible Camp, Turkey
Support French Christians to partner with Turkish Baptist churches for youth camp.
- Toys for Syrian Refugee Children in Izmir, Turkey
Purchase presents for 500 Syrian children to be distributed by local Turkish Christians.
- Plan Residential Bible College Training in Izmir, Turkey
Fund Jonathan & Amanda Hanley to meet evangelical leaders to discuss training plan.
- Asian Churches Training Week
Support former WEST student to train church leaders in East Asia
- Cardiff University Christian Union - Mission Week Lunch Bars
Support student outreach events at Cardiff University & Heath campuses, November 2016
- Hospital Murals in South Africa and Madagascar – Stimulating Solutions
Paint wards in clinics & hospitals with essential healthcare information & Bible stories.
- Projector and Children's Outreach Resources – Siena, Italy
Equipment for community 'English club' & children's events, runs by the Donato's.
- Paradise Run For Homeless People, Cardiff
Buy sleeping bags & warm clothes to give away during the 2016-17 winter months.
- Christian Book Trolley service at University Hospital of Wales
Adapt new trolley & train volunteers to take 'Books+' selection to patients on the wards.
- Presteigne Baptist Church - Job Club Refurbishment
Improve facilities used to support jobless people with Christians Against Poverty courses
- Red: Community – Human Trafficking Video for Primary Schools
Bible-based animation & resources to raise awareness of modern-day slavery in Wales.
- Lausanne Young Leaders Gathering – Jakarta 2016
Fund emerging leaders from Mongolia, Burundi, Algeria, Congo & other nations at attend.