H30 Projects Announced

We are delighted to announce our 30 projects. We are excited to think how God might use these projects for his thrilling and glorious mission.
H30 Projects Announced

Highfields Church H30 Fund

  1. South Africa Orphanage & Bible Clubs
    Three week UFM project for Emily Burnell, serving children orphaned by HIV/AIDS.
  2. 'Time for Change: How Jesus Changed Us' Book
    Give hundreds of free copies of Gillian Pegler's new book to inmates in Welsh prisons.
  3. Welcome Backpacks for Refugee Children in Cardiff
    50 new school bags, with gifts and helpful information, for asylum-seekers & refugees.
  4. Community Outreach Sewing Centre, Islamabad – PREM Fellowship
    Start-up costs for 'bridgehead' centre run by Christian family who want to share their faith.
  5. Shantia Village School, Pakistan – PREM Fellowship
    Build shelter to start Christian village primary school, plus first year teaching costs.
  6. Sports Chaplaincy Wales - World Student Sevens, Swansea
    Buy tent & resources to help Martin Lewis & team offer pastoral support to rugby players.
  7. Rugby Player Testimonies Book – World Student Sevens, Swansea
    Fund free distribution of evangelistic book about top rugby stars' faith in Christ.
  8. Menter Ysgolion Cymraeg – Welsh Schools Initiative
    Buy 195 'Y Cam Nesa' booklets, by Scripture Union, for Welsh medium primary schools.
  9. Sports Mission Week at Christian Orphanage near Jaffna, Sri Lanka
    Coaching, encouragement & bible teaching for 75 civil war orphans, led by Highfields team.
  10. Cross-Cultural Gospel Leaflets – Cardiff Asian Christian Outreach
    Pay for free distribution of Christian books and tracts in Cardiff & Newport.
  11. International Church of Torino - Training Weekend in Cardiff
    Fund training & partnership programme at Highfields for 11 key ICT ministry leaders
  12. Tamar Centre, Thailand – Helping Women To Leave Red-Light District
    Fund 4 'bar girls' through training & counselling programmes in Pattaya
  13. New Kitchen for Oasis Cardiff, Serving Refugees & Asylum Seekers
    Buy & install industrial kitchen to help provide lunch for 160+ people every day
  14. Christian Camp Visit to Turkey
    Support Turkish believer to worship in her native tongue with Turkish Christians
  15. Seasonal Events for Children With Special Needs
    Publicity & materials for four events, run by Cardiff churches, for children & their families.
  16. Kiwoko Christian Hospital, Uganda - Short Term Mission Trip
    Four week elective for newly qualified nurse Catrin Goodwin with UFM at rural hospital.
  17. Build A Classroom – La Casa De Mi Padre, La Paz, Bolivia
    Create new children's facility at Christian outreach centre in 'at risk' neighbourhood.
  18. Helping Hands – Supporting Women Refugees in Athens, Greece
    Buy & give out hygiene items at Christian agency where Cathie Jenkins serves each week
  19. Ephesus Young People's Bible Camp, Turkey
    Support French Christians to partner with Turkish Baptist churches for youth camp.
  20. Toys for Syrian Refugee Children in Izmir, Turkey
    Purchase presents for 500 Syrian children to be distributed by local Turkish Christians.
  21. Plan Residential Bible College Training in Izmir, Turkey
    Fund Jonathan & Amanda Hanley to meet evangelical leaders to discuss training plan.
  22. Asian Churches Training Week
    Support former WEST student to train church leaders in East Asia
  23. Cardiff University Christian Union - Mission Week Lunch Bars
    Support student outreach events at Cardiff University & Heath campuses, November 2016
  24. Hospital Murals in South Africa and Madagascar – Stimulating Solutions
    Paint wards in clinics & hospitals with essential healthcare information & Bible stories.
  25. Projector and Children's Outreach Resources – Siena, Italy
    Equipment for community 'English club' & children's events, runs by the Donato's.
  26. Paradise Run For Homeless People, Cardiff
    Buy sleeping bags & warm clothes to give away during the 2016-17 winter months.
  27. Christian Book Trolley service at University Hospital of Wales
    Adapt new trolley & train volunteers to take 'Books+' selection to patients on the wards.
  28. Presteigne Baptist Church - Job Club Refurbishment
    Improve facilities used to support jobless people with Christians Against Poverty courses
  29. Red: Community – Human Trafficking Video for Primary Schools
    Bible-based animation & resources to raise awareness of modern-day slavery in Wales.
  30. Lausanne Young Leaders Gathering – Jakarta 2016
    Fund emerging leaders from Mongolia, Burundi, Algeria, Congo & other nations at attend.

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