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Our aim at Highfields Church in Cardiff is to spread a passion for Jesus. We want to do this by worshipping our God, sharing our lives, equipping His people and engaging His world.
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The Highfields Youth podcast with Jessica Sanderson from 2020-21.
On Sunday mornings during the spring and early summer months we are studying in the Book of 1 Samuel, which emphasizes the importance of obedience to God, faith in His promises, and the consequences of both righteousness and sin. It also highlights God's sovereignty over human affairs and His faithfulness to His people.
On Sunday evenings during the spring and early summer months we are studying chapter three of Colossians, which emphasizes the new life believers have in Christ, the importance of setting their minds on heavenly things, maintaining unity in the body of Christ, cultivating a spirit of thankfulness, and living out the implications of their faith in their everyday lives, including within their families and communities.
The podcast link for this podcast is: