Vision Sunday 2012

Share Highfields' strategic vision for the future on Sunday 6th May

Vision Sunday has become an annual opportunity to remind ourselves as a church family of the reasons why Highfields exists.

This year is no exception. We are in business with one aim in mind - to draw attention to the grandeur of God and the Gospel. There is no truth greater than that, no name higher than Jesus, no mission more important than living and speaking for Him.

The vision that compelled the likes of Abraham, Moses and Isaiah was of the majesty of God and His plan to bless the world through the promise of a Saviour. That’s the main thing which we need to keep the main thing.

So all that we do as a church to "reach, build, send", whether praying, serving, giving or volunteering, is harnessed towards that goal of knowing God and making Him known.

In that sense, the vision never changes even if the details do from year to year.

You need to rock up on Sunday 6th May or catch the message online afterwards to hear what those details are.  But I will say that 2012 signals a step up in our training and equipping of people for ministry, an enlargement of our commitment to the world on our doorstep and another move towards securing the growth and future of our satellite congregation in Pontprennau.

Peter Baker

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Where We Meet

You are welcome to join The Bridge Church in Pontprennau *this Sunday at 

Pontprennau Primary School, Heol Pontprennau, Cardiff CF23 8LL

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