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Huw Williams | 15:04, Friday 11 October 2013 | Turin, Italy
Now we have an office. We are hoping that this will be space that can operate as something of a hub for the church during the week. Since we don't have our own church building and we hire a school for our Sunday morning services, it's good to have a potential focal point from Monday to Saturday. We've certainly observed that some cultures represented in ICT are much more reticent about visiting us in our home than others are, so maybe a more neutral ground will be helpful in building relationships.
Personally, it is really quite a blessing to have a new space to work in. It's not that I minded working from home (quite the contrary) but the way the lines between 'work' and 'home' can get blurred a little when your home is also your study space isn't always helpful. It's a little easier now to switch off both the laptop and my irrational tendency to keep checking emails at the end of the day. When home, I'm home. At least that's the idea...
It's been a while since I went "out to work" each morning, and I've got used to the commute from the kitchen table to the desk in the corner of our bedroom. But it's good to have a change of scene.
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