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Huw Williams | 14:20, Friday 05 April 2013 | Turin, Italy
She took it all in her stride really, and seemed rather bemused by the balloons decorating the house and the stream of cards and gifts from family and friends, far and near. She even had a little party with a small band of friends from our church family here coming to help her celebrate in style.
In the best tradition of children’s parties, Kitty played her role perfectly, with an overwhelming interest in torn wrapping paper and empty envelopes over their recent contents – we even had some over-excited vomiting over Daddy.
While Kitty passed the day fairly nonchalantly, it probably had a far greater significance for Dad and Mum as we looked back over the last year of God’s faithfulness and provision. When we arrived here in Italy, Ali was three months pregnant and the way God has helped us through the whole process of pregnancy, birth and the first year of parenting is truly amazing. We look back and wonder how we have survived! But then, that’s often the way our Father works, isn’t it?
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