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Huw Williams | 07:16, Thursday 19 September 2013 | Turin, Italy
It was a joy to welcome some visitors to Torino for the weekend. Phil & Cath from Highfields and John-Mark from UFM had come to meet with us and representatives from ICT to conduct our two year review.
This was a great opportunity to sit down together, reflect on the last two years of ministry here, assess the present and consider some possibilities for the future. We are so grateful for the time and effort these friends put into being here for the weekend and for the fellowship we enjoyed together. We tied a lovely bow on the weekend on Sunday morning in our church service, as Phil led a service of thanksgiving and dedication for Kitty, and John Mark preached through Acts 3-5.
As we said our goodbyes on Monday, it caused me to reflect on something of the nature of true gospel fellowship. Our time together had been encouraging, motivating, energising - and as I read the scriptures, this does seem to be the expectation of gospel-friendships. Moses and Joshua, David and Jonathan, Elijah and Elisha, Jesus and the Twelve, Paul and his various mission partners, you get the point - we're not made to operate in splendid isolation as people, and especially not as God's people. The blessing brings with it a challenge - how can we all best encourage each other and spur one another one the next time we see meet with members of God's family?
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