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Ghandi’s museum in Delhi carries a simple statement by the great leader, in white paint, on one of its walls: “My life is my mission”. But if we were to ask Jesus to summarise his life’s purpose, he would say, “My death is my mission”.
Uniquely among the world’s great religious movements, Christianity regards the death of its founder as the defining truth - a death so barbaric that we would term crucifixion as the electric chair of its day.
Yet the cross remains one of the great enduring symbols of love, forgiveness and healing in our culture – seen outside both hospitals and churches.
Why make so much of one man’s death? Probably because this man was raised to life, three days after he was laid in a sealed tomb. Without the resurrection, Jesus’ death or life wouldn’t make much sense. But with it, He is more than another hero. He is God and King of the Universe!
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Our Easter programme for 2011 is called "The King's Speech". We'll be considering Jesus' own statements about his death-to-life mission. It would be great if you could join us.
All events at Highfields Church, Monthermer Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4QW