Reformation 500: Sola Scriptura

Weekend 14th - 15th October with Dr Peter Williams

Reformation 500: Sola ScripturaOn 31st October 1517, a German monk's DIY carpentry on a castle door detonated an explosive rediscovery of God's grace that would change the world forever. Yet reflecting years later on the dramatic events surrounding the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther freely confessed: 'I did nothing, the Word did everything'

Join us at Highfields Church Cathays as we examine that same Word - as explosive and controversial as ever - 500 years on.

Saturday October 14th 7:30-9:30PM
Moral objections to the Bible 

These sessions will tackle the toughest questions head on and show how the Bible can be our moral guide today.

Sunday October 15th 9:30AM & 11:15AM
Samson: A Guy to Imitate? 

Samson looks just the opposite of a good model of behaviour. So why is he featured as a hero in the Book of Judges & held up as an example of faith in the Book of Hebrews?

Sunday October 15th 12:30PM 
Student Sunday Lunch Cathays 

For students - this lunch will include a Q&A session with Dr Peter J Williams

Sunday October 15th 4:30-6:30PM 
Interested in theology/apologetics/academics? 

Afternoon tea for interested parties.

Sunday October 15th 6:30-8:00PM
Facethebook: Can we trust the Bible?

A session which looks at easily accessible evidence and shows that we can be as confident in the Bible as we are in the many other beliefs we accept without question in our everyday lives.


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Dr Peter J Williams

Dr Peter J Williams is the Principal of Tyndale House, Cambridge, an institution committed to promoting trust in the Scriptures.

He's formerly the Senior Lecturer in New Testament at the University of Aberdeen, he's a member of the English Standard Version committee and Chair of the International Greek New Testament Project.

Blissfully married for 21 years to Kathryn, they have a daughter, Magdalena, and a son, Leo. The family is regularly involved in United Beach Missions in France and Belgium.