God's Preparation

25 Apr - Morning Service - 11:15am - Rev Peter Baker - Exodus 3-4
When Apr 25, 2010
from 11:15am to 12:30pm
Where Highfields Church
Contact Name
Contact Phone 029 2065 0740
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Sermon Title:
     God’s Preparation

Series Theme:
     The Liberator -
     Studies in Exodus

Sermon Online:
     Listen Now

     Rev Peter Baker

Picture of Rev Peter Baker

Powerpoint Presentation


Powerpoint Transcript

Slide 1

THE LIBERATOR Exodus 3: 1- 4: 17 God’s Preparation

Slide 2

Life begins at ..... 80 ! An encouragement to the older and a caution to the younger In the routines of an ordinary life God came to Moses in the most extraordinary way

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1. THE TRANSFORMING ENCOUNTER ( 3: 1-10) The times in our lives when we wonder what God is doing Then God turns up The ground becomes holy because this is God’s nature The holy and living God The personal God who speaks personally The God who knows and rescues In before out, vision before mission

Slide 4

2. THE TYPICAL EXCUSES ( 3:11-4:17 Who am I ? (3:11) What shall I say ? ( 3:13) Who will believe me ? ( 4:1) Why me ? ( 4:10) What about someone else ? ( 4:13) The honesty of the dialogue Tell God about it Leaders need to be allowed to grow

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3. TENDER ENCOURAGEMENTS For every excuse- amazing grace I am with you I have sent you I will enable you I will equip you I will support you God makes His adequacy not our inadequacy the starting point

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The antidote to insecurity is not to start believing in yourself but God Don’t expect a different man, expect a sufficient God YHWH- Jehovah- God’s Special Name God is everywhere at the same time always The task of telling the name of God to Israel And Egypt Mission to the Church and society

Slide 7

Faith calls us to trust who God is not who we are

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