The Promise of a Priest

12 Dec - Morning Service - 09:30am - Rev Phil Jenkins - Zechariah 6:9-15
When Dec 12, 2010
from 09:30am to 10:45am
Where Highfields Church
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Contact Phone 029 2065 0740
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Sermon Title:

     The Promise of a Priest
     Zechariah 6:9-15

Series Theme: 
     Promises, Promises

Sermon Online:
     Listen Now

     Rev Phil Jenkins

Rev Phil Jenkins  

Powerpoint Presentation:


Powerpoint Transcript:

Slide 1

The Promise of a Priest Zechariah 6: 9-15

Slide 2

1. A new start encouraged Zechariah 1-6 contains eight visions Zechariah is prophesying in 520 BC The rebuilding of the Temple under the leadership of Zerubabbel had stopped 12 years previously Zechariah and Haggai are contemporary prophets called by God to encourage the people to start building again Zechariah enacts a dramatic message A new man is coming

Slide 3

2. A new man promised His name is Branch He will build the Temple He will be a priest king on his throne He will attract those far away to come to the Temple

Slide 4

3. A new order anticipated The enigmatic figure of Melchizedek (Genesis 14; Psalm 110; Hebrews 5-7;) The priest king is finally realized in the Messiah The new is superior to the old everlasting effective The new order inspires the builders Make a new start Do not give up Come with your needs to our High Priest’s throne

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