Obey your Thirst

07 Mar - Morning Service - 09:30am - Rev Peter Baker - John 7:1-51
When Mar 07, 2010
from 09:30am to 10:45am
Where Highfields Church
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Contact Phone 029 2065 0740
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     Photo of Peter Baker
     Rev Peter Baker

Sermon Title:
     Obey your Thirst
     John 7:1-51 Listen

Sermon Theme:
     The Man from Heaven
     Studies in John

Sermon Online:
     Listen Now Listen

Powerpoint Presentation

Powerpoint Transcript

Slide 1
Obey your thirst ! John 7: 1-51

Slide 2
September AD 32 Jerusalem Seven day Feast of Tabernacles Celebrating history, recalling God’s provision, anticipating the Kingdom Blazing torches and giant water jars

Slide 3
1. Family disbelief before the Festival (vs1- 9) A price on Jesus’ head since 5: 18 We can be so close to God but so far away My time.... 2:4, 7:30, 8:23 God’s time for Jesus was fulfilled in the events of the cross and resurrection A time and a season for every activity under heaven ... A time to be born and a time to die...

Slide 4
2. Popular debate during the Festival (vs 10 - 36) The Jews ( vs 1 & 11) The crowds ( vs 12-13) The Jews of Jerusalem ( vs 15) Debates about his identity and character Good man, bad man, God –Man Who is He ? b) Debates about his claims and teaching ( vs 11-19) Do what Jesus says

Slide 5
3. Critical division at the end of the Festival (vs 37-52) Jesus claims to be able to meet the spiritual thirst of everyone, for ever Water and the Spirit of God ( John 3: 3-5, Ezekiel 36: 25-27, Isaiah 44:3 ) Jesus is the giver of the Holy Spirit Without the Spirit of God we are powerless, empty and dry The Spirit is given to make Christ more glorious among the nations

Slide 6
Jesus forces a division Jesus offers the water of life to the moral, religious , educated ... And to the immoral, irreligious, failure Obey your thirst !

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