Sunday 12th Jun 2011

Services on this Mission Sunday at Highfields Church, Cardiff

Come and hear Eddie Arthur, UK Director of Wycliffe Bible Translators, as he speaks from the Bible about the importance of the Bible at our Missions Sunday, 12th June 2011. 

It’s easy for us in the UK, as we celebrate 400 years of the King James version of the bible, to take the bible in our own language for granted. However, that’s a privilege that is still denied to over 2200 language communities who do not have true access to one verse of Scripture in their own language. 

People need to experience God’s Word in their own language. They need to know that “God speaks my language”, that their language, their culture is valued by the great Creator God.  Because Bible translation is foundational to every part of Christian ministry Wycliffe Bible Translators have an ambitious vision that by 2025 a translation project will have been started in every remaining language group.  

Start Date Title
Jun 12, 2011 09:30 AM The Communicating God
Jun 12, 2011 11:15 AM The Communicating God
Jun 12, 2011 06:30 PM The Birth of the Church

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