Equip Sunday Seminars

Sunday seminars followed by evening worship and a short practical talk from the Bible

Equip Sunday Seminars 2021Equip ran from 24th January until the 14th February at 7:30pm on Sunday evenings. Equip this year took place on Zoom where attendees were able to access their chosen seminar via the specific Zoom code, and then join a larger gathering with the rest of the Church to wrap up each evening. 

This year's Equip consisted of 3 seminars:

1. Helping one another grow (Elspeth Pitt and Ben Gardner) 

Growing is part of being Christian of course, but sometimes it can feel hard.  How can we make sure that we are growing ourselves, and also helping others grow?  This series explored growth in our own lives, in small groups, one to one and in the world. 

2. Life and character of Servant leadership (Jon Reeves and Michael Teutsch) 

We live in a day in which many find themselves confused about true leadership.  These seminars looked at the Biblical teaching on the heart and life that drive 'True leadership', as lived out by our Lord Jesus.

3. Wales: through many dangers, toils and snares (Jonathan Thomas) 

A quick run through of the history of Christianity in Wales, with pit stops at key places, people and principles for the church today. Come to find out about St David and the missionary saints, Bible translation and printing that changed the world, and revivals that dominated our history for nearly 200 years.

  • Session 1: The first 1500 years - Saints, storms & slow hearts 
  • Session 2: The 1700's - reading, writing & revival
  • Session 3: The 1800's - power, professionalism & pulpits 
  • Session 4: The 1900's - outpouring, outreach & overseas

These four seminars delivered via Zoom, were recorded and Jonathan has said he is happy for these to continue to be available to all who access the content via this website.

All Sunday seminars & post-seminar gatherings in this series:

Start Date Title Location
Jan 24, 2021 07:30 PM Equip Sunday Seminars Wk 1 Online via Zoom
Jan 31, 2021 07:30 PM Equip Sunday Seminars Wk 2 Online via Zoom
Feb 07, 2021 07:30 PM Equip Sunday Seminars Wk 3 Online via Zoom
Feb 14, 2021 07:30 PM Equip Sunday Seminars Wk 4 Online via Zoom

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March 2024 »
3. Christianity in Wales
Session content Weeks 1 to 4