360 Degree Leadership

A series of Sunday talks for May and June 2012, looking at leadership in the Christian church.

Ralph Nader, the American political activist, said, "I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers."

The strategic nature of Highfields suggests we always have to take this emphasis seriously and at every level of church life. The reason we focus on the subject on Sundays this term is pragmatic – we want to appoint more Elders in the near future.

And, as with everything we do and want to be, we need to sift through the text of Scripture to discover the principles of leadership that are to shape our organisation.

That's the agenda this term in our adult Sunday teaching programme. Paul's letter to Titus will be our major expositional series as we explore the character, curriculum and compass of the 360 degree leader.

In addition we will mix principle with practice as we examine some of the many examples of leadership from Moses to Jesus.

If we aspire to leadership in the church, that's a good thing. But the bar is high! Jesus is the servant–leader model.

Peter Baker 

All services in series on 360 Degree Leadership:

Title Description
The Character of a Leader 13 May - Morning Service - 09:30am - Peter Baker - Titus 1:1-16
The Curriculum of a Leader 20 May - Morning Service - 09:30am - Phil Jenkins - Titus 2:1-15
Moses: Face to Face with God 20 May - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Peter Baker - Exodus 33:7-23
David: After God's Heart 27 May - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Peter Baker - Acts 13:16-22
The Compass of a Leader 03 Jun - Morning Service - 09:30am - Peter Baker - Titus 3:1-15

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