Real People, Real Faith

Series on Hebrews 11-13

We all have heroes - people who have inspired shaped and modelled for us a way of thinking and being that encourages us to raise our game. These examples of courage and vision can also include men and women of Christian faith. Their conviction that God and His Kingdom is worth living and dying for, defines them to such a degree that nothing they are or achieve makes sense without it.    

A parent, friend, colleague, teacher can all have such influence. But there is a Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11 hung with portraits of the most unlikely characters. Their inclusion raises some interesting questions about the nature of faith and whether in a celebrity age like our own, we may in fact have got the wrong measurements of greatness and genius.

Peter Baker 

All services in this series on Hebrews:

Title Description Location
Moses & His Parents 22 Jan - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Pete Evans - Hebrews 11:23 Highfields Church
Moses & his People 29 Jan - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Phil Jenkins - Hebrews 11:24-26 Highfields Church
Passover 05 Feb - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Dave Fielder - Hebrews 11:27-29 Highfields Cathays
The Great Escape 12 Feb - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Peter Baker - Hebrews 11:29 Highfields Church
The Value of Discipline 15 Apr - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Pete Evans - Hebrews 12 Highfields Church
Holiness 22 Apr - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Phil Jenkins - Hebrews 12:14-29 Highfields Church
Family Matters 06 Mar - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Phil Jenkins - Hebrews 13:1-19 Highfields Church
The God of Peace 13 May - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Peter Baker - Hebrews 13:20-25 Highfields Church

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