Ministry Internship

An eleven month training programme

The Ministry Internship at Highfields Church, Cardiff is an 11 month training programme for those wanting to either explore a calling into full-time Christian ministry or to serve in the local church to discover and develop their gifts.

You will be serving as part of a team within a large, diverse church that is situated in the heart of the city, whilst obtaining in-house theological and ministry training, and a cross cultural mission trip to serve with one of our mission partners overseas. As a church we are passionate about reaching people with the good news of Jesus, making and maturing disciples and investing in the next generation of leaders.

The Internship programme has three distinct parts:

  1. Ministry Assistant Employee (8 hours per week): where you will working as an employee undertaking general church administration. Salary: £6000
  2. Ministry Experience Volunteer (21.5 hours per week): This part of the programme is flexible enough for it to be tailor made to your ministry area of choice which could be in Student ministry, Children's ministry, Youth ministry, Internationals ministry etc.
    * You will have the opportunity to serve alongside the Pastors and Ministry Leaders within the church, who will provide you with invaluable teaching and practical support to help discover and develop skills and experience.
    * You will assist in the delivery of weekly ministry activities, as well as the pastoral care for volunteers and participants within your chosen ministry.
    * Prepare and deliver gospel talks to your chosen ministry.
    * Prepare and deliver one to one Bible studies.
    Support Raising Target: £6000 (this will be done through a Stewardship Account – support raising training will be given)
  3. Ministry Training (8 hours per week): Formal training on the Resource South Wales Ministry Training Programme, plus tutorial discussions with the Pastoral team. You will also be assigned a ministry mentor who will support you in your internship and in your growth in holiness.
    Training Cost: Free

The successful candidate will be:

  • A prayerful, committed Christian who agrees with the Highfields Church statement of faith and policy statements. As well as the FIEC ethos statements
  • Someone with a demonstrable love and concern for the spiritual growth and practical needs of people within their care.
  • Able to be self-motivated, organised, teachable, use initiative and work well within a team.
  • Someone ideally who has already served in a ministry area within the local church.

Please see the ministry internship job description and person specification document for further details.

Start date: 1st September 2025

End date:  31st July 2026

Applications: Please complete an application form and send it to by 31st January 2025.

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« March 2025 »