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Please browse the following documents to catch up on what has been happening during the year. (Because the reports contain some personal information you will need to be logged in to see them)
It’s a story of twists and turns. Opportunities and possibilities. Setbacks and turnarounds. Patient commitment and expectant prayer. Supremely it’s a story of God: his faithfulness and his love.
The start of 2021 saw the thirty fifth anniversary of Highfields Church, and with it the publication of The Story of Highfields with Interviews, edited by John Emyr (do make sure you get hold of a copy as it’s an incredibly encouraging read). The book is a collection of memories from the original Highfields members, many of whom are wonderfully still very much part of the Highfields story. But rather than being a book that says, ‘Look at us, look at us, aren’t we great?’ it rightly repeatedly says, ‘Look at Him, look at Him, isn’t Jesus great?’ In the words of the famous hymn by Joseph Hart: ‘We praise him for all that is past and trust him for all that’s to come.’
Even though 2021, like most of 2020, was lived under the spectre of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the story of God’s grace over this last year has remarkable parallels with the same story told over the last thirty five years. We’ve continued worshipping our God, both on Sundays and Monday to Saturday, in the highs and lows of life, whether isolating at home, or in-person at church (where, joy of joys, we were finally able to sing again from June—will we ever take such privileges for granted?!); sharing our lives, where we’ve opened the Bible in our homes and sought to support one another in challenges of walking with Jesus; equipping His people, where we’ve provided and received the resources needed to grow in love and service of God; and engaging His world, as we’ve sought to keep holding out the Word of light with compassion and conviction.
God’s Word is not chained, and so we praise God for another year of seeing that Word at work in so many as we’ve continued Spreading a Passion for Jesus (without spreading Covid-19 in the process). I hope you’ll be as encouraged reading it as we’ve been pulling it together. In a larger church it’s often hard to get a feel of the many ways in which God is at work in different areas to those where we spend most of our time. So do read widely. And prayerfully, as both prayers of thanks for another year of God’s clear blessing, and of intercession, as we look to the future, aware that ‘unless the Lord builds the house, we labour in vain’ (Ps. 127:1).
As ever, throughout 2021, I’ve been in awe of our wonderful staff, elders and deacons who have all served in sacrificial, gospel-hearted ways. Though roles vary, everyone’s commitment to putting Jesus first and using their gifts for the Lord and His people has been a privilege to witness. Lastly, a particular word of thanks for the scores of church members who volunteer each week, serving on more teams than I can count. Whether your role is seen or unseen, making coffee or teaching children, wiping pews, or moving chairs, rising before dawn to practice music, or staying till dark to lock up, thank you. It’s lovely seeing the way the gospel permeates our life together at Highfields, and, with the apostle Paul in relationship to the Philippians, ‘I give thanks to God for every remembrance of you … because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now’ (Phil 1:3, 5). It’s a joy seeking to spread a passion for Jesus together. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this summary of what took place in 2021 and find yourself full of gratitude to God too.
With much love in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ,
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