Apologetics - Theology - Stuff. Reflections and discoveries whilst pursuing an MA in theology.
On the value of Camus
... on the subject of Albert Camus' The Plague
Resurrection Lockdown
It is almost inevitable that the current CoronaVirus quarantine may have given rise to more opportunity...
The Christian origins of Western Science
One of the joys of Christmas has been receiving as presents books that have lurked enticingly on my Wishlist for the last year.
Modern-Day Slavery in Britain
The recently-screened Panorama documentary, on the topic of organised slavery in the UK, is a 'must'
Heaven on earth
The sky above is clear azure, and the cottonwool clouds only serve to accentuate its benevolence.
The subject has popped up again in a FaceBook discussion - that of Miracles, and whether or not they happen.
International bookends
Eastern mysticism. Western rationality and logic.
Personality and Polemic
Preparation for one of the Highfields Church Summer Seminars got me thinking ...
The view from above
Sometimes, we struggle to see ourselves as God sees us.
Freakonomics and Theology
A busy day up in Hay on Wye today at the Festival.
Pluralism: It's All in the Context
At a very basic level, pluralism is the recognition that there are many forms of religious belief, which adopt quite different approaches towards the spiritual life. Kevin Moss explores this further...
Nativity, Historicity and Atheistic Simplification
Over the years, I grew to respect Christopher Hitchens, and was very much affected when he died.
Dysfunction in the workplace
I find myself preparing a talk on the Christian attitude towards work, to be given in a couple of weeks time at Highfields Church as part of our ‘Life on the Frontline’ series.
Les Misérables at last
And so, finally, we got to see the film – the 2012 blockbuster with Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, Russell Crowe et al.
The God We Don't Expect
One would have to write off the Gospel narratives as any kind of historical record, to conclude that Jesus’ followers had expected some sort of miracle after the crucifixion.