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Huw Williams | 16:58, Tuesday 21 February 2013 | Turin, Italy
Not every Monday morning is so exciting, but yesterday as we finished breakfast and contemplated the dive into a new working week, Kitty took her first real steps. After days of wondering whether we are allowed to consider forward-momentum stumbling as 'proper steps', all of a sudden she produced the real McCoy – there was no mistaking it – one steady step after another, 1-2-3-4 steps into Mummy's arms. She turned around to face the right direction, and was off again, 1-2-3-4-5 back into Daddy's.
It was a beautiful thing, to witness these first nervous steps, made even more special by the fact that I was worried I was going to miss them – a few days later and I certainly would have done. We trust that Kitty has many more steps ahead of her, but for now we’re simply delighted to see her start out.
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