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Huw Williams | 17:18, Tuesday 04 June 2013 | Turin, Italy
Standing in the check-in hall at Torino airport, waving goodbye to Ali and Kitty for a week, one thought was in my mind – "This had better be worth it…" The reason we were saying goodbye for the next seven days or so was that I was going to Poland, to the European Leadership Forum, to teach alongside my friend Peter Mead, a group of Bible teachers and preachers from across Europe.
I am learning that the dynamics of ministry change now we are three. When we were two, conferences like this were semi-holiday opportunities, a chance to get away and enjoy a change of scene for a few days. When Ali used to go away with her work, I would enjoy a take-away and stay up all night listening to Puccini. Now of course, with Kitty in the picture, my sacrifices in going away are only exceeded by those of Mum who becomes the 24/7 parent. It sharpens the perspective both on what it is we are doing, and why it is we are doing it.
And the lessons don't stop there. On the conference itself, I learned that as is often the way with Christian fellowship, you can end up getting more back than you feel you put in. To spend time with Christian leaders from across the continent, to hear their stories and of ministry in their places can be a humbling experience.
I was reminded again that the church is bigger and wider than we think. A new generation of Christian leaders is emerging which is not necessarily from the UK or North America. And I was reminded too of the fact that Europe is an arid and desperate mission field, but also that our God is loving and good and gracious.
As the days went by I began to count them down until the time I would see Ali and Kitty again, but as I passed through the sliding doors into the arrivals hall of Torino airport, waving to them as they waited there, I could honestly say it – it was worth it.
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