Easter at Highfields Church

By Steffen Heinz (Caronna), CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=33085765The daffodils are out, blossom is on its way, the days are getting longer. The springtime routine of putting our clocks forward, which heralds the arrival of British Summer Time, is an annual indicator that the darkness of winter is passing and a new season beginning to dawn.

In the short-term, the clock change is a painful one, where we lose an hour of well-loved sleep. But very soon that short-term pain is replaced by the long-term gain of longer and brighter days. 

The first Easter began with friends living in terror. An innocent young life was cruelly snatched away in its prime. A contagion of fear was sweeping the community. Shut away behind closed doors, everyone was wondering, first it was Jesus; who would be next? This was the dark before the dawn.

And then everything changed. Rumours of Jesus’s resurrection began to be spread. People saw him, ate with him, touched him. New life had broken into a dying world. And people remembered him say ‘whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?’

At Highfields Church we believe that the hope that the risen Jesus Christ brings can get you through the longest of winters. Happy Easter!

All Easter Services:

Title Description
Palm Sunday Service 10 Apr - Palm Sunday - 10:00am - Ted Pilling
Good Friday Service 15 Apr - Good Friday - 10:00am - Dave Gobbett - Mark 15:21-41
Easter Sunday Service 17 Apr - 'Easter Sunday' - 10:00am - Jon Reeves
Easter Evening Service 17 Apr - 'Easter Sunday' - 18:30am - Michael Teutsch - Romans 3:21-26

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