The Liberator

Studies in Exodus

"The Liberator" has been the theme for our Sunday morning Bible series during April to July 2010. We’ve been looking at the book of Exodus and you may wonder how events that happened nearly three and a half thousand years ago could have anything to say to us today in the 21st century! The fact is that the stories recorded in the book of Exodus are still central to the faith of both Jews and Christians.

The foundational narrative of the rescue of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt not only gives theological meaning to the history of the people of Israel but also supplies a framework for Christians to understand the death of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, through whose sacrifice we are rescued from the slavery of sin and death.  Salvation is always the result of the sovereign intervention of God in the lives of people to whom he is committed in covenant faithfulness.

So come and listen to the great themes of the Christian faith being explained and applied as we go though this charter for Christian liberty and Christian living. Enjoy the panoramic sweep of the amazing purposes and grace of God as the narrative takes us from slavery to salvation and from salvation to service as God’s redeemed people.

For June and July 2010 we continued the story in Numbers, Joshua, Judges and Ruth, following how the Israelites make it to the promised land after challenges on the way.

Title Description
God’s Providence 11 Apr - Morning Service - 09:30am - Ted Pilling - Exodus 1
God’s Providence 11 Apr - Morning Service - 11:15am - Ted Pilling - Exodus 1
God's Provision 18 Apr - Morning Service - 09:30am - Sam Orr - Exodus 2
God's Provision 18 Apr - Morning Service - 11:15am - Sam Orr - Exodus 2
God's Preparation 25 Apr - Morning Service - 09:30am - Rev Peter Baker - Exodus 3-4
God's Preparation 25 Apr - Morning Service - 11:15am - Rev Peter Baker - Exodus 3-4
Who are we & what are we here for? 06 Jun - Morning Service - 09:30am - Dr Chris Wright - Exodus 19:1-6
Who are we & what are we here for? 06 Jun - Morning Service - 11:15am - Dr Chris Wright - Exodus 19:1-6

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