Missions Sunday - November 2016

Mission Sunday - Andy Lines

Andy Lines has been the Mission Director of Crosslinks organisation since 2000 after serving as a cross-cultural missionary in Paraguay. He and his wife Mandy, and their three children currently live in Surrey. Crosslinks organisation seeks to serve churches and individual Christians in their engagement in God's mission to the world. Support is given through evangelistic opportunities, reaching those unreached across the world, training trainers and supporting both short- and long-term missionaries worldwide. 

Services and meetings at Highfields Cathays:

Title Description
Model Gospel Partnership 27 Nov - Morning Service - 09:30am - Andy Lines - 1 Thess. 2:17-3:13
Model Gospel Partnership 27 Nov - Morning Service - 11:15am - Andy Lines - 1 Thess. 2:17-3:13
God’s Great Master Plan 27 Nov - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Andy Lines - Isaiah 66:18-24

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