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In 2011 the elders of Highfields presented the church with the vision to start a satellite congregation in Pontprennau, a large and rapidly growing suburb in the north east of Cardiff. Pontprennau is an area with only one church at the moment, so we really wanted to serve and reach this largely un-churched area. A good number of Highfields regulars also live locally and they have been the driving force behind this initiative.
As a satellite congregation of Highfields Church, the Pontprennau group would remain under the leadership of the current Highfields elders. The congregation would enjoy all the benefits of being part of a large and thriving Christian community, from the teaching programme to shared resources. But its primary focus will be to lovingly reach out to the Pontprennau area.
In early 2011 a core group of approximately 25 people was established from the local area who were keen to begin meeting in Pontprennau. During the summer months, Highfields assigned Chris Street as the Elder who would be based in Pontprennau and appointed Pete Evans as Trainee Minister with specific responsibility for the running of the satellite congregation. The congregation began to meet together in midweek small groups in autumn 2011, with the intention of meeting together publically on Sunday mornings from January 2012.
A few months later in January 2012 around 25 adults and 3 children started meeting on Sundays at Corpus Christi High School. Many of us live locally in Pontprennau/Pentwyn and we all share a strong desire to see people in our community come to know the good news about Jesus and join with us in spreading that good news in our day-to-day lives. It's all about making and maturing followers of Jesus.
Since then the church has grown, and moved our meeting-place several times! We are a large family of different kinds of people at various ages and stages of life. Though different in many ways, we are united by Jesus' work in our lives, and in sharing the good news about him. This truth has shaped the way that we 'do church' together and has led to the formation of 3 important values: Belong, Serve, Grow.
In January 2019, the Pontprennau congregation formed the basis of the new independent church: The Bridge Church.
If you would like more information about The Bridge Church, please contact Matt Bownds at office@bridgechurchcardiff.org.
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Highfields Pontprennau is now The Bridge Church