Baker's Bread of Heaven

The Blog of Pastor Peter Baker
Grace Awakened Eyes
We've had so many positive responses on social media and email to the recent broadcast service.
All Change
There's no standing still in the Christian life - change should be part of our lives.
Think Before You Tweet
Words are powerful. So it matters what you say on social media and in the rest of life.
The Passion of Easter
In our world, to love often means to suffer.
Community Action
With the Big Weekend coming up soon, I thought I could reflect on the theological issues that are driving it
Greek scholars will recognise the word. The rest of us just say “fellowship“!
What's in a Name?
"Christian" - a label that does us no good
The Heart of the Matter
How’s your heart? Not that pump between your lungs which beats on average 72 times a minute, but that spiritual organ which integrates your thinking, feeling and responding.
The Magnificat
As a Protestant church, we tend to give Mary a wide berth! But in doing so we can lose one of the clearest definitions of faith which she illustrates - the obedience of faith to God’s word.
Move over JK Rowling!
We are blessed with huge talent among the staff with a number serving not just Highfields but the wider UK Church in different ways.
Christmas at Highfields and the QR code
No, this is not a new book by Dan Brown purporting to undermine the source material of Christian faith, but a clever piece of communications technology!
Love Thy Neighbour
Mahabba – that’s Arabic for “love”.
Living with Loss
The journey from grief to something better
Prayer - The Great Omission
Something stirred in me this week while preparing Sunday morning’s message from 1 Thessalonians 5, with its urgent call in verse 17 to “pray continually”.
Reflections on Remembrance Sunday
I doubt whether those who signed the Armistice in 1918, in a railway carriage in a French forest, could possibly have imagined the development of such a significant annual and global act of remembrance.
The Naked Pastor
I always feel a little sorry for the Emperor – why doesn't anyone tell him he's got no clothes!
One of a Kind
I wonder how many Latin phrases you have used today without even realising.
How to make a real difference
We live in an age of Celebrity where people can be famous simply for being famous.
The wonderful thing about Tiggers!
Within days of his arrival in the Hundred Acre Wood that is Highfields Church, I noticed the remarkable similarities between Simon Price, our new fresh-out-of-bible college Assistant Pastor and AA Milne’s character Tigger!
The Unfinished Smile
I read last week that works of art worth £400 million pounds, stolen last year from the Museum of Modern Art in Paris, are now in fact believed to have been dumped and crushed in a rubbish truck.

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