Huw and Alison's Blog from Turin
Daddy fix
Some domestic pondering this week...
Why worship?
So here's a question...
How about a night at the opera? You might be surprised...
Hellos and goodbyes
We have a weekend of reunions ahead of us...
As Wordsworth said, "The child is the father of the man..."
It seems that I'm learning the importance of the preface...
How confident are we in evangelism? What reason do we have to be?
Time out
A change is as good as a rest?
Before the Reed
C.S. Lewis often spoke of the importance of reading old books. I think I'm seeing what he means.
Enjoying the breath
Gearing up for the year ahead...
Backwards and forwards
or, Christmas reflections from a nostalgic old bloke.
Change by degrees
On language, ministry and God's way of working...
Anger and Love
Reflections of an (occasionally) inattentive Bible-reader...
Common denominators
When rugby came to Torino...
Old windows
Noticing things which should not have gone unnoticed.
There was a time
Something happens between then and now, but I'm not sure what it is exactly, I'm not sure if I like it.
When you're forced to stop
The eight-year old Mozart is said to have written his first symphony when stuck at home with a cold. Unfortunately all you're getting is this lousy blog post...
Change of scene
A change of space for work and ministry...
Looking on the beauty of God
Have you had one of those "never noticed that before" moments lately?
Taking stock
A weekend well-spent...