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Michael Teutsch | September 2019 - Highfields Book Review
By David Gibson - (2016) IVP
This book teaches us to find joy and satisfaction in God's good gifts by putting all of life in the perspective of our deaths.
It takes us through the book of Ecclesiastes in a way that helps us internalise the deep lessons of wisdom and the common sense it contains – most of all, the realisation of the brevity of our lives and the limits on our power and understanding.
We are encouraged to take the one thing in the future that is certain - our death, and work backwards from that point into all the details and decisions and heartaches of our lives, and to think about them from the perspective of the end. It is the destination which makes sense of the journey.
It is a book about gaining true wisdom, which gives us, in our smallness, the perspective we need to see how great God is.
[ISBN13: 9781783592852]
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