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Huw Williams | June 2016 - Highfields Book of the Month
By Peter Mead - (2015) Ross-Shire : Christian FocusAs Jesus makes clear in Matthew 7, we are all building our lives on something, the crucial question is whether or not we are building on the firm foundation of his words. There are some questions about the gospel which we simply shouldn't assume we know the answers to; we do well to ask ourselves those questions and even better to take time to find the right answers in the Bible.
Which god is God? What is a human? What is sin? What is salvation?
The tag-line for this book is "Four big questions we should be asking but typically don't" and they are questions that are crucial for us all to visit and keep revisiting as followers of Christ - "Which god is God?", "What is a human?", "What is sin?" and "What is salvation?" and this excellent little book is a joy to read and re-read. What becomes clear (not least from Tim Chester's helpful foreword) is that whether we have given much thought to these answers or not, all of us live our lives according to what we believe about them.
Whether we have given much thought to these answers or not, all of us live our lives according to what we believe about them
Weighing in at 93 fairly large-print pages (divided into six short chapters) this is a book that most of us will be able to read through cover to cover fairly quickly. Peter Mead's approach is jargon-free, concise and crystal clear as he walks us through sermons from Acts in answering those four big questions.
And that is a wonderful thing about this book, it's easy-to-read style contains wonderful, deep theology without the sore head. And as I turned the pages I found myself nodding and underlining paragraphs as I was reminded of the importance of each question and the wonderful answers gleaned from God's word. The short reflection questions at the end of each chapter are excellent for personal devotional reading, or discussion with reading partners.
A clear and concise overview of the gospel that will do any Christian good
I enjoyed this book enormously, and became so convinced of its value that I bought a pile of new copies to give away to people in church here - all of whom tell me they found it very helpful. We've also worked through it as a devotional book for our IFES team times here in Italy and again, it has had a deep impact on the team and our ministry. I just asked Alison what she thought I should say in this review, and I think she has just given me my closing sentence - "A clear and concise overview of the gospel that will do any Christian good."
Enough said.
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