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Huw Williams | 15th April 2012 - Highfields Book Review
By Mike Reeves - (2012) Authentic Publishing
I've been musing for a while now on how theology should be beautiful. As Christians we love and worship a matchlessly attractive God, and yet all too often the books written about Him seem to be abstract, dry and written for the professionals and the big-brains among us. I wish I could say that I was having an original observation there. But no, most theology books I tend to pick up these days tend to echo these sentiments in their prefaces. And while some manage to make their case in heart-warming and pulse-quickening fashion, many (at least for me) sadly do not.
Yes, this is a book of theology - but don't let that put you off! - because it might just be the most enjoyable theology you ever read. In every way, it is a delightful book. It isn't light in it's content, but it's presentation is colourful, simple and uncomplicated. It's theology is comprehensive, but is never abstract, obscure or difficult. These are undoubtedly the marks of an excellent writer. But what over-arches Reeves' considerable gifts as a writer, is his presentation of the God who is so warm, so beautiful, so loving, so kind, in short so attractive that this simply shows us the wonder of knowing God as Trinity.
If you've ever wondered (as I did for years) why the doctrine of Trinity is so important, or if you've ever wondered what the relevance of the doctrine of the Trinity is to your life, or if you've ever found yourself wondering simply what God is like, this is a book for you. If you've ever thought that you don't like books on theology, this is also a book for you. At 100 pages it's a short book, it's never heavy or turgid, and Reeves' bubbly style often brings a smile to the face. But that is to suggest that the author is the star of the show, which is misleading, since God - Father, Son and Spirit - is undoubtedly that. And I have a feeling Reeves would have it no other way...
Read this book. If you read nothing else this year (well, apart from the Bible... ) I'd say read this. I can't recommend it highly enough.
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