Huw and Alison's Blog from Turin
Habakkuk's journey
Reflecting on recent sermons in Habakkuk.
Early or not at all
Early mornings in Torino
It's still Summer
The Torinese return to work...
Rarely a dull moment
When church throws up a pleasant surprise...
Summer in the City
City life changes in the Summer, just as the city itself.
Still learning
Summer in Italy is a different animal...
Thoughts on a Summer evening.
Worth it?
Reflections on a ministry trip...
First steps
Starting out on a long road...
Love and fear... revisited
Some new thoughts on an old theme...
Not just for pastors
Some thoughts on my book of the year so far...
Calm in the storm
Reflecting on preparing a sermon...
On synth-pop and heart-change...
Change in the air
Rejoicing in the change of season...
A conversation with a sinking feeling...
Happy Birthday, Kitty
Kitty celebrated her first birthday on Wednesday.
No interruption
Some distractions are welcome, even on the busiest of days.
Reflections approaching another Easter break...
The issue of the heart
I keep learning these little lessons in seeing what's there...
Rediscovering discovery... again
What do you do with those 'harder' books of the Bible?