Mission Matters - Joseph D'Souza

Our special guest speaker was Dr Joseph D’Souza. He spoke at all Sunday services that weekend and at our Missions Lunch at 1.00pm.

Dr Joseph D'SouzaSunday 10th October 2010 - Our special guest speaker was Dr Joseph D’Souza. He spoke at all Sunday services that weekend and at our Missions Lunch at 1.00pm.

Joseph became a Christian when he was a university student in India. He says it was the teaching that the just shall live by faith that got his attention.  Joseph went on to marry a woman from the so-called 'untouchable' caste or Dalits of Indian society. Joseph says when he met his wife, they were both transformed and realized that the Christian faith removes all barriers. He knew that in Jesus we are all equal and deserving of proper, humane treatment. From that time Joseph has worked passionately for the freedom of the Dalits.

Currently he is President of the All India Christian Council, International Director of the Dalit Freedom Network, and Associate Director of Operation Mobilisation.  He will also be a keynote speaker at the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Cape Town later this month.

Joseph has written two books. His latest – On the Side of Angels – argues the biblical case for justice as an integral component to Christian mission. "Mission needs proclamation, compassion, Holy Spirit signs and wonders, but it also needs justice."

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