Building the Church: Blog posts from all the Highfields Contributors in 2013...
Les Misérables at last
And so, finally, we got to see the film – the 2012 blockbuster with Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, Russell Crowe et al.
Change in the air
Rejoicing in the change of season...
On synth-pop and heart-change...
Trying to let go
This is my first and last post as the former Minister of Highfields Church
Calm in the storm
Reflecting on preparing a sermon...
Growing up into Christ
Last Sunday evening (28th April 2013) will be memorable for everyone who was there for many reasons.
Not just for pastors
Some thoughts on my book of the year so far...
Love and fear... revisited
Some new thoughts on an old theme...
A Great Escape
There is so much to be encouraged about after the 526 Club's weekend away on Gower in April.
Life on the Frontline
I'm sometimes asked: "What’s the highest calling God can place on my life?"
First steps
Starting out on a long road...
Dysfunction in the workplace
I find myself preparing a talk on the Christian attitude towards work, to be given in a couple of weeks time at Highfields Church as part of our ‘Life on the Frontline’ series.
Worth it?
Reflections on a ministry trip...
Thoughts on a Summer evening.
Picnic Post
Under a grey sky last Sunday I found myself sitting in a chair, cold and alone, having sponges full of river water being thrown at my face.
Still learning
Summer in Italy is a different animal...
Summer in the City
City life changes in the Summer, just as the city itself.
Rarely a dull moment
When church throws up a pleasant surprise...
It's still Summer
The Torinese return to work...
Early or not at all
Early mornings in Torino

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