A Great Escape
James Pope | 11:05, 16th May 2013
If you asked me in church the other Sunday evening how the 526 weekend had gone you would probably have got a grunt out of me that sounded something like 'great'. I'm sitting here now, with a cup of tea, well rested and washed, hopefully able to tell you a bit more.
60 of us, leaders and young people, descended upon the beautiful and then quiet surroundings of St. Madoc youth centre on Gower on Friday night. It was to be a fun packed weekend, full of games, food, teaching and whatever else we could squeeze in.
We were most grateful for the 24 hour heat wave we experienced on Saturday, and we made the most of it - from the lads on the football field at 7 am, to our lovely lunch sitting outside. Then came our afternoon on the beach. We sledged down dunes, built sand models of epic proportions, went rock-pooling and played a highly competitive game of beach cricket. The kids were all well, but we had a few pink leaders by the evening who had forgotten their sun-cream!
The theme for the weekend was 'escape'. In our team tribes we played extreme games; I have never seen such fierce competition in a kid’s club in all my life. Our theme carried on into our teaching sessions where we looked at what it means to be in God's tribe. Through prayer, team testimony and studying 1 Peter 2:9-10 we saw what it really is to be the people of God. On Sunday morning some of the team had the honour of praying with four lads who made the decision to become part of this people.
So sitting here today I feel immensely privileged. Privileged to have spent time with a great bunch of kids and fantastic leaders (not forgetting our wonderful 'chefs'). Privileged to have enjoyed God's creation and his blessing on us. And most importantly, privileged to see him continuing to work in amazing ways in young people's lives.
Thanks for your prayers and support.
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