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Pete Evans | 21:45, 24th November 2012
How do you intend to celebrate Christmas this year? Family and friends, exchanging gifts, eating turkey and playing board games? Me too. Christmas is a great time to stop, relax and enjoy ourselves at the end of a long year. But of course, there's more to it than that.
We love Christmas at Highfields and we are celebrating it at our two locations in Cathays and Pontprennau with a fantastic programme of events this December.
One of our favourite nights of the year is 'Carols by Candlelight' - there are 4 different evenings to choose from this year - 3 in Cathays and our first ever Carols in Pontprennau. 9th and 16th December are the dates for your diary - please bring your friends, family and colleagues. They will love it!
We also have our all-age family services on 23rd December and, for those who aren't all 'carolled-out', two different styles of service on Christmas Day.
These events are open to all - why don't you invite someone along? We’ve produced some fantastic invites to give to your neighbours, colleagues, friends and family, and we’re inviting our local community too! Pick up some 'Celebrate a Cardiff Christmas' invitation postcards at your nearest Highfields site.
In previous years, some of our regulars have invited neighbours round for mulled wine and mince pies, and then brought everyone to Carols by Candlelight. Or maybe you could arrange to go for a curry after Carols at a local restaurant. I'm sure you will have your own brilliant events planned!
At Highfields, of course, we love Christmas for more than great music, friends and good food. It's about celebrating Jesus – God come to live amongst us, 2000 years ago. It's the greatest story ever told - something truly worth celebrating!
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