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Highfields Church | 10:01, Sunday, 18 December 2011
There are thousands of books to choose from. So where to start? Here are some suggestions from the staff at Highfields Church.
My favourite genre would have to be life stories, especially missionary biographies. Over the past year, I have really enjoyed reading Through The Gates of Splendour by Elisabeth Elliot; Give Me This Mountain and the sequel He Gave Us A Valley by Dr. Helen Roseveare; and also Joni, the autobiography of Joni Eareckson who was paralysed in a diving accident as a teenager.
Pathway to Jesus (Crossing the thresholds of faith), edited by Don Everts & Doug Shaupp is not necessarily my favourite book but I think every Christian would benefit from reading it. It helps you understand the stages people go through on the pathway to faith in Christ so you can help and support them at each different milestone.
My favourite book is The Reason for God by Timothy Keller. It's helpful for Christians and non-Christians alike. This response to Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion sets forward the rational and reasonable case for faith in Jesus. The first half of the book addresses common objections to belief, with chapters such as ‘How could a good God allow suffering?’ and ‘How can a loving God send people to Hell?’ The second half then explains the gospel. Keller writes with clarity and authority but is still accessible to readers who aren't academic but are wrestling with deep questions.
My book for Christmas is Uncovering the World by Jonathan Carswell. When the angel spoke to the shepherds, he said, "I bring you great joy that will be for all the people" (Luke 2:10). Christmas is a fantastic time to be reminded of God's heart for all nations. This short book is a great collection of true stories of international students who came to the UK with a whole range of issues and problems and found peace and joy in knowing and following Christ.
I love books and find it hard to pick a favourite. But here are two really good ones.
First, Out of the Saltshaker by Rebecca Manley Pippert. She lays down such an exciting challenge to share the gospel with everyone around (including your hairdresser!). There are also some really encouraging stories of how God has used people who've just talked naturally about God with the people they meet. The second great book is A Call to Spiritual Reformation by D A Carson - a hugely challenging book about how to pray, based on Paul's prayers in the epistles of the New Testament. It has study questions at end of each chapter so you could do it in pairs!
Note: where possible, the links take you to 10ofthose.com We are happy to recommend it as a great place to buy discounted Christian books. We are also fans of the thegoodbook.co.uk who have recently published two books by our Schools and Children’s Worker Tamar Pollard. Christmas Gift Ideas – Buy A Book
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