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Dave Gobbett | 15:25, 20 March 2016
'You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses: in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria & the ends of the earth' (Acts 1:8).
So Jesus unveiled his unlikely mission manifesto for the world. The unlikely bit is not its scope—it's no surprise that the risen Lord Jesus wants the whole world to know his saving power—but it's personnel. Jesus chooses a motley crew of disciples, empowers with them his Spirit, and sends them to work! And as one generation tells another who tells another, so the gospel's message ripples out across the centuries, where it eventually reached us.
Mission has always been at the heart of Highfields Church. From the earliest days, we've had the privilege of being part of those Spirit-empowered 'ripples': taking the gospel to Cardiff, Wales and the world. So in this our 30th anniversary year, we want to recommit to ensuring that mission continues to be intrinsic to our church DNA.
Cue the H30 Fund. There are all sorts of factors that can inhibit our mission: everything from fear of what our friends think, to a lack of genuine engagement on our part with the world around us. A different kind of factor might be finances. I'd love to kit out my school CU with a Christianity Explored youth pack, but can't afford it. I'd love to hire the Juboraj Restaurant for my cycling club and invite Christians in Sport to speak, but don't have the budget. I'd love to go on a summer mission team to serve one of our mission partners, but the finances aren't there. I'd love to start a ministry amongst asylum seekers in Cardiff, but don't know where to begin.
The aim of the H30 Fund is to raise £30,000 to provide bursaries for 30 projects, seeking to take the good news and love of Jesus to Cardiff, Wales and the world. There's a part for us all to play. Specifically, we're looking for gospel-hearted people to:
1. Apply for a bursary;
2. Put on fundraising events;
3. Give to the H30 Fund, and;
4. Pray that God's word would spread far and wide through this initiative.
If 10 people gave £1000, 50 gave £200, and 100 gave £10, we'd hit £30,000. So get dreaming big dreams about the part you might play in getting those gospel ripples out.
[Originally posted on the H30 website]
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